As an extension of my project, I want to start a chain of kindness and to spread it throughout the community.

There are two steps to accomplishing this. First off, I am asking that you go out and buy maybe a candy bar or snack as well as a small activity, like a crossword puzzle, that an elderly person would enjoy. If you have a better idea for an item to get as a small gift of appreciation, that works too. I ask that you give the item(s) in a small care package to an elderly person in your community. It can be a neighbor, relative, or some random person on the street.

The second step is that you then share this challenge with a friend who will do the same! By doing so, this kindness can spread further. Also, make sure that friend gets in touch with me so I know that they are helping as well and can write their name down.

Can you help with my Eagle Scout Project? Youth volunteers are welcome. Email me at